Ask someone from New Jersey to name an item that best represents their State, and they'll probably answer with one of the following... Springsteen, the Turnpike, the Shore, or Taylor Ham/Pork Roll. Thankfully, and because it's getting hot in the Garden State, Taylor Ham Ice Cream now exists. B... View Post
It's not a bird, it's not a plane, and it isn't even Superman. Yet, nobody could be disappointed if you happen to spot Superman Ice Cream. If you're wondering why you've never seen this super treat, it's probably because you don't live in Michigan, or a nearby State. The ice cream combination... View Post
The Foodnited States will be exploring some of the most ridiculous State food laws from around the U.S. Whether they were once a good idea, and have since become hilariously outdated, or the person signing bills at the time was drunk -- we'll be presenting some of the best from around the cou... View Post