Foodnited News

  • Easter approaches, and many jelly beans will be bought and ingested. So, which jelly bean flavor reigns supreme in your State? has the answer, with a fun map of America's Favorite Jelly Bean By State. Collecting the last 10 years of sales data, and polling over 12,000 candy custom... View Post
  •   While there seems to be a go-to food that each U.S. State can agree upon -- it makes us wonder if there are certain foods that are overwhelmingly-loathed. Brought to us by Hater, this map lets us in on each State's most-hated foodstuff. Texas's aversion to well-done steak is no surprise. Altho... View Post
  •   Next up in our Dumb State Food Laws series, Pennsylvania. Days are hard to get through, and sometimes we need to nap wherever we can. Well, if you're currently feeling sleepy in Pennsylvania, don't even think about catching Z's on a refrigerator. There's an antiquated law making it illegal to ... View Post
  • click to enlarge   Are you a West Coast In-N-Out purist? Are the Five Guys your five favorite people? Or, is Whataburger life? According to this map, America's Favorite Fast Food Burgers By State, the country no longer hails the Burger King, nor are they "Lovin' it." Check out the coastal battle... View Post
  • click to enlarge   We've seen what happens when the U.S. is made of food puns. But, what if the map was, instead, divided by region according to alcohol preference? Vinepair brings us The United States of Alcohol -- an accurate and tongue in cheek breakdown of the United States' favorite booze. ... View Post
  •   It's not a bird, it's not a plane, and it isn't even Superman. Yet, nobody could be disappointed if you happen to spot Superman Ice Cream. If you're wondering why you've never seen this super treat, it's probably because you don't live in Michigan, or a nearby State. The ice cream combination... View Post
  • Click To Enlarge   We've seen what happens when someone makes the U.S. States out of food and renames them. But what did the original State names actually mean, before The Foodnited States had their way with them? According to this map by Expedia, those from Iowa can literally exclaim, "This is ... View Post
  •   As much state pride as we have, even we must admit that there are a few borders in the U.S. that could use some work. Thankfully, graphic artists want to fix everything. xkcd is here to help, with a graphic designer-style edit on the United States. A few clean-ups here, and a straight line the... View Post